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Healing Circle w/Rose Henry

SNIWWOC Healing Circle (1).png

Healing Circles are an important part of many Eastern Indigenous cultures and is a representation of the sacred. The circle itself represents the medicine wheel, with the recipients of the teachings and the healings sat around it, in all cardinal directions, where the medicine rests at the center. The medicine is held in the heart of the Grandmother for the lessons of circles are teachings of Grandmother and Grandfather spirits.

We are offering this Circle to all Indigenous women, black women, and women of color; two-spirited, and racialized non-binary individuals, as a space for your voices and your experiences to be heard. It will be hosted outside in the Oak grove of Beacon Hill park which is a sacred space to women in Coastal tradition. Dress for the weather, bring a good comfort snack and a warm drink, and a good blanket for sitting. We will be working hard to make the space as comfortable and safe as we can, while also honoring social distancing measures.

Rose and I will wait in the meadow near the Totem Pole for attendees and will escort everyone to the space. We want the safety and comfort of our guests to be the utmost priority. We are excited to see you there, stay safe and HIY-HIY!