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Racism in Healthcare: Virtual Town Hall

Join us on October 13 at 7PM PST for an important town hall meeting about “Racism in Healthcare”. 

Minister of Health Adrian Dix announced on June 19th that healthcare staff in emergency rooms were playing a blood-alcohol guessing game at the expense of Indigenous patients. Implicit bias in health care serves as one of the foundations for poor health outcomes. Racialized peoples are more likely to experience cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, kidney disease, poor reproductive health, and are not getting the treatment they so desperately need. 

According to a B.C. government survey released in August, racialized individuals have been having difficulty accessing healthcare which is further impacted by low-income,  resulting in further health consequences. Because of this, we believe that the impact of Covid-19 on people identifying as Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour (BIPOC) in B.C. should be explored and discussed. 

We are excited to have healthcare experts as our guest speakers for this town hall conversation, and will be discussing  the systematic racism towards Indigenous and racialized communities and how we can improve those outcomes.

SNIWWOC has been communicating with Mary-Ellen Turpel-Lafond and it led to our conversation with her investigating team. We’ve invited METL and her team to join us too. We hope they’ll be able to answer some of your questions about the “Addressing Racism in Healthcare” investigation. 

This event is made possible thanks to funding from the Canadian Red Cross and the Government of Canada. 

Join Zoom Meeting  

Meeting ID: 890 6314 8828


We acknowledge that this event is hosted from the traditional territory of the Lekwungen people, currently and specifically the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations.