Career Planning

Career planning is a mental-health intervention and a well-being practice. This means that your work and life are in alignment with your mental health needs. What people do each day shapes who they are and how they feel about their daily lives.

Using a reproductive justice framework, we recognize that without adequate income and health care, many women find it almost impossible to protect their health and provide for their families.

Our career consultants (click for bios) can assist you with one-on-one job search assistance, assistance with foreign credential evaluation, and networking opportunities in the field of your choice.

This service would be a good fit for women looking for work or switching careers, as well as newcomers trying to adapt their skills to a Canadian context.


1. Women Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour, including transgender and two-spirit community members who are 18 or above;

2. Must make less than the low-income cut-off line (submit the proof of income)* see the table below;
3. Currently reside in Northeastern BC. This includes residents of Fort St. John, Fort Nelson, Dawson Creek, Tumbler Ridge and Chetwynd.


1. Fill out our career planning form.

2. Receive an email from SNIWWOC.

3. Submit proof of income (or household income if you are married/common law). This can include: a current tax return, notice of assessment, or any benefits received from the government (ex. Disability Assistance).

**Screenshots of bank statements or accounts will not be considered a valid form of proof of income**

4. Submit proof of dependent(s). This can include: health cards, passports, birth certificate, driver's license, school registration, childcare statement, or status card.5. Set up an in-person appointment at SNIWWOC’s Victoria BC office.
5. A career coach will reach out to you to sign you up for a phone consultation.⁠
6. After the phone consultation, your career coach will schedule an appointment. *Please note: we will not cover cancellation and/or no-show fees.

7. Fill out the feedback survey sent via email from SNIWWOC.

Women in Leadership Speaker Series

If you’re a woman (particularly a racialized woman) in certain industries, you’ve probably felt like you’re the “only one” in the room. Or felt like you don't belong or had to prove yourself. You are not alone.

According to a 2021 report by Statistics Canada, “About 1 in 10 women executives belonged to a visible minority group in the exploratory estimates, relative to about 1 in 5 women in the overall working population, reflecting their underrepresentation in leadership positions.”

The good news is that we’re talking about it. Through our ‘Women in Leadership’ series, we’re providing indigenous and women of colour the support and resources they need to access leadership opportunities in the workforce.

Check out our events for the next speaker series.
Contact us if you would like to be a guest speaker.

Our Team:

We are an interdisciplinary team of women dedicated to improving the health of racialized women across Canada. We are the community we serve.

Additional Information:

Click here for career planning program policies
This program is possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of Scotiabank.


Click here for this programs most FAQs.


Career Planning
Support Network for Indigenous Women & Women of Colour
Service location will be shared confidentially via email once your appointment is confirmed.
Phone: 250-277-2545
Hours of Service: 8:30 - 4:30 pm (by appointment only)